
Archive for September, 2023


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By: Patricia Goroway

Founder of Facial Fitness System, Certified Health Coach, and author of Facial Fitness, Vols 1 &2.

Ever wonder why some people look great and others look older after losing weight? A lot of people complain that the skin on their face tends to sag, has more wrinkles and loses its plumpness, but with proper care, this can be greatly minimized. Naturally, there is some level of fat loss in the face but deep wrinkles, sagging, dull and unhealthy-looking skin can be avoided. With strategic nutrition, hydration, and daily facial exercise, you can keep your skin looking young, glowing and minimize wrinkles. Here are my five best tips if you want to avoid aging in the face that accompanies weight loss:

  1. Lose Weight Slowly: Dropping a lot of weight too fast is a recipe for sagging skin. Take your time and your skin does a better job of adjusting.
  2. Take Control of Yo-Yo Dieting: Every time you drop and gain weight your skin elasticity is affected. Your skin can only bounce back so many times.  Managing nutrition is complex and is not always easy to address on your own so seek counseling when necessary and you can put an end to this cycle to look and feel your best.
  3. Drink Plenty of Water: The cells in your skin will become more elastic and plumper when you are hydrated. It’s that simple.
  4. Eat Gut Healthy Foods: Your gut integrity and your skin go hand in hand. Gut healing foods like bone broth, fermented foods, kombucha tea, pasture raised proteins, avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, and salmon all lend to beautiful skin.
  5. Exercise Your Facial Muscles Daily: incorporating a facial exercise regimen into your daily beauty routine can greatly improve the appearance of the skin and help to minimize any sagging or wrinkling. Below are a few exercises to begin as you work towards your optimal weight loss goals.

The Nasal-Labial Line Diminisher- this exercise works the muscles surrounding the nose and mouth called the orbiculus oris and the caninus. It is designed to help diminish the lines on either side of the mouth, referred to as the nasal labial lines, or marionette lines. Open your mouth wide making your face very long period with your mouth open, slowly say, “ooh” 10 times. By vocalizing this sound, you will make the muscles surrounding the mouth contract and relax, thereby strengthening the surrounding muscles and creating a lift. Do 3 sets of 10.

The Neck Strengthener- this exercise strengthens the muscles in both the front and back of your neck, known as the platysma, the sternocleidomastoid, and the trapezius muscles. This exercise can also be done laying down on your back. Move your head forward, leading with your bottom jaw. Extend your neck as far forward as you can and hold that position for 10 seconds then return to the original position. Repeat this exercise three times, holding each extension for 10 seconds.

The Jawline Toner– this exercise will further strengthen the proteasome muscle under the chin and along the jawline, as well as the masseter. Depress your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth, tilt your head back slightly, and hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat three times, each time to the count of 10.

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